Smooth Night

Posted Tuesday, March 6, 2012 by MoonLunita
Good Mornight :)

I chose to name this post like this because of house music... house with a touch of latin ;) hehehe.

I had a good day, went to eat with some friends and then I took a nap, I was dying, I was so sleepy and my body's clock alarm got me up 30 minutes late from the time I really wanted to wake up but well, my tummy ache woke me up, drank milk and got me so better in 2 seconds XP that was so good. What I really did before realizing about my stomachache, was to look at the time, turn un the tv like crazy to watch my favourite show but oh crap, it wasn't a new episode >_> I still watched it anyway.

The real hard time I had was when I had to look for some piano theory, review the one I already have, ear training, had to check my paypal because I forgot the password then get some stuff trough that, my oso was messaging me (and of course, answering right away kkk) receiving and answering text messages, emails and tweets... doing all that at the same time X) I was having a headache and going nuts so I started to play piano and that was a big relieve... However, I got to feel beyond better when I started to listen to music and randomly getting to listen to certain song that made to decide that tonight (or mornight) will be a smooth night, a one that I've been needing for long time.

To read the whole story about it and to listen to the song, get your V.I.P. pass right here, only for tonight! ;P

Let's have a very nice Mornight, see you there! ;)