Candy Candy
A shoujo manga written by Kyoko Mizuki and drawn by Yumiko Igarashi published in April of 1975 to March of 1979 with only 9 volumes.
It is about an American girl who was left at an orphanage called Pony's Home having a graceful childhood with Miss Pony, Sister Lane, her best friend Annie (who was found the same day) and the other children. But when she got 12, she was adopted by The Leagans: her unfortunate moments began encountering the journey that would create the most saddest but the most happiest moments of her life meeting value people like two of her true loves.
The anime version was aired in October of 1976 to February of 1979 with 115 episodes and in 1992 a 26 minutes OVA was released.
It was said that Candy Candy was originally a novel which only part of that is the Candy Candy manga and anime we know... so, to know what real Candy is, do we have to read the novel?? that is an interesting curiosity.
This story is one of my first animes, I just love it as my mom and sister do, it was because of them I knew about it since I was little, my sister used to have lots of merchandising and we can't mention "Candy" without saying "aaawww!". Love, sadness, hapinness, comedy, suspense, this story has everything making it a good drama. I read the manga some months ago because I only watched the anime and I could notice that the it was a good adaptation though Terry seems tender in the manga hehe.
A story that has marked my life in a sweet way ^-^ never forgetting its cute opening:
It is about an American girl who was left at an orphanage called Pony's Home having a graceful childhood with Miss Pony, Sister Lane, her best friend Annie (who was found the same day) and the other children. But when she got 12, she was adopted by The Leagans: her unfortunate moments began encountering the journey that would create the most saddest but the most happiest moments of her life meeting value people like two of her true loves.
The anime version was aired in October of 1976 to February of 1979 with 115 episodes and in 1992 a 26 minutes OVA was released.
It was said that Candy Candy was originally a novel which only part of that is the Candy Candy manga and anime we know... so, to know what real Candy is, do we have to read the novel?? that is an interesting curiosity.
This story is one of my first animes, I just love it as my mom and sister do, it was because of them I knew about it since I was little, my sister used to have lots of merchandising and we can't mention "Candy" without saying "aaawww!". Love, sadness, hapinness, comedy, suspense, this story has everything making it a good drama. I read the manga some months ago because I only watched the anime and I could notice that the it was a good adaptation though Terry seems tender in the manga hehe.
A story that has marked my life in a sweet way ^-^ never forgetting its cute opening:
Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! ^______________^ I will always love it!!