A shoujo manga story by CLAMP published in June 1996 to August 1998 with only 4 volumes about an angel, Kohaku, who met Shuichiro Kudo, a mortal doctor, when the angel got trouble with a crow while looking for another angel in Earth he helped the angel and for his help, Kohaku wanted to grant him a wish but Suichiro said that he doesn't have any wish so it is when the angel's stay on Earth begins to prolonger waiting for his wish and helping him back.
There is a drama CD and a "strange" video that looks like an opening with and ending... to me, it is just a musical video about the story, with an end, all the CLAMP's musical videos like CLAMP in Wonderland 1 and 2 and this Wish one is soooo kawaaiiiii ^__^ and I love the songs both by Ali Project.
There is a drama CD and a "strange" video that looks like an opening with and ending... to me, it is just a musical video about the story, with an end, all the CLAMP's musical videos like CLAMP in Wonderland 1 and 2 and this Wish one is soooo kawaaiiiii ^__^ and I love the songs both by Ali Project.
I read the manga some weeks ago and I loved it ^-^ it is cute and funny, I love angels so I couldn't miss this story. It could seems typical but when you read it completely, it is sooo good and tender that makes you love romance and fantasy. Here I will share the video:
Kawaii ^o^
Kawaii ^o^