The Challenge of Love

Posted Wednesday, May 12, 2010 by MoonLunita
Love is one of those "tools" that helps us as human beings. I bet that we err the most while loving because in the time when someone is in love, it is when trying the best at anything... an splendid world opens filled out of countless smiles, heart beating at its maximum and happiness is eternal. Perhaps that popular saying it's true: "love is blind" since in our beautiful blindness we cannot notice our mistakes until we are able to come back to that bitter reality, finding out that you screw it up. And that is one of the worst feelings ever. You, trying to build a perfect universe for the beloved one; but one mistake, then erring again wanting to arrange the first mistake... mistake after mistake. That makes people a very good human being as we are not perfect creatures, we are living to learn life lessons and there is nothing better than to do it with the L subject.

This could be some of the reasons why certain people don't take the risk to love, then they are not giving their selves the chance to live, scared to be human... everything starts from love. We do not know how to act, how to react, the right words to say... no one teaches how to love in a proper way, it is the life itself and when loving, it gets tougher. Life is Love is Life, every single detail about erring is available in your loving lesson, life will show you if you really want to experience how to live, most of the feelings are found in love matters, any kind of love because any kind of love could hurt.

Dare the love, live to love, let your heart feel the intense of living, let the hurting be, the healing of being acquired, to experience that smile of relief, to go crazy crying and laughing at the same time, or even better, the big demanding of to feel silly, to feel stupid, to feel totally out of yourself.

Believe me, it is an enormous goal trying to deal with it, but give it a chance, you will laugh of yourself after that big drop hehehe.

It is funny how all of this is so common and there still are people that can't give a real opinion about themselves being loved or receiving love. Need an advice? ask for it to the right person: take a look at the heart, is it shiny?, it is... then keep looking.

Love is simple and simpleness has its own complications. Would you like to understand the meaning? then take the greatest challenge of being a human being: Dare to Love.

"Inmensa Luna, cielo al revés... ♪♫" Bonne Journée! ^_^

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