Today's my favourite Wonder Girl birthday... so, entry dedicated to her ^o^ hehe.
Some years ago you were born bringing happiness to many people that love you so much... and now, after that first day of your existence, you still keep bringing so much happiness increasing the people loving you with your amazing voice, your charisma, and your golden heart radiating joy and good energy every single moment you laugh. Thanks to this day, world can have a a good example of constancy, optimism and strength to inspire and make life even better. Ye Eun, a big box of surprising talent! hope you can have a wonderful day with the other girls and eat all the good sweets for your sweet soul! hehehe.
Big, big hugs, kisses and a bunch of good wishes today and always! from me, Lunita ^o^
Listening too much of Gotan Project this week, hehe.
Just thinking about getting back the Møon's Lounge but with a different "flavor". I love writing in this one so I wont leave it, that's why if I bring back the previous name, it would obviously get different content... like sharing mundane things, a sight of the world from a sit in a certain bar, like describing life in a bohemian way or just writing surrounded by luxury in a hotel room next to a glass of wine... got the idea? hehehe. Exhaling arts in blood letters to show the passion.
I will give details... later hehe, don't miss it, you will love it ^_~ kekeke.
What brings me here tonight is the feeling of being ashamed to do or to be just because people will judge. That's so wrong but so true... afraid to act, not wanting to get critics, don't knowing what to do because you don't want to err. What if I feel good doing some assure things? it might be silly, it might be stupid, it might be a waste of time, a waste of money, a waste of everything... but I like it. And with this, I'm not saying I can do anything I want in anytime. Why do I have to explain the reason I will do something that might be not right just because they don't feel or see the way I do? every single person has its rarities in the way of being a human with a feeling and passionate heart, we must not misjudge at first glance, we should try to understand or at least, try to see as that one does.
Getting off the routine and following your kind heart doing something that maybe no one would but will make smile someone else, it is because of course you are different, you are more than special no matter what people or even family, can say... if you feel good because it would be a different good way of sharing and caring, go ahead hehe.
Strange entry, thanks for reading if you read it hoho =P and about the title... if you speak Spanish and watch the title's following video, you will get it ^_~ and don't miss the song, very nice sound:
You can use translators too, if not, just ask me and I'll explain hehe. Have a good day, have a good evening, have a good night~ wherever you are!
Beginning the month watching a dvd of my beautiful Corrs live in London while getting ready to work ^_^ made my day, I felt good and cheerful. But in the other hand, this second day of the month I've thinking about the numerical part of my life hehe... I just figured out that it is a moment when I can do many of flashbacks, gotten lots of experiences but that, still... there's a lot to find out. It is like being in the middle of what I've lived and what I will live trying to hope, to be happy and to realize all of my desires. If there is chance to live more, I will .
For now, I will let you enjoy this two songs that I dedicate to myself hehe:
Twenty-five years of my life and still stepping outside, with body and soul... hehe.
One more thing to mention, today is Sunmi's birthday, one of my Wonder Girls! hehe Happy Birthday to her!!! cake, cake and presents! hope you have a great time in this so special day and enjoy it, big-tight hugs! from me, Lunita hehe.
There was a Wonder Moon, it was Me! ^^
I love music, to sleep, to travel, I love lollipops, I like to have friends, I like to have fun, I love to smile and laugh, I love to give, I love to love and my passion is the Theatre.