New: Moon in your Language

Posted Thursday, April 30, 2009 by MoonLunita
Hellooo ^_^

The last day of the month! hehe.

Just showing the love I have for the Moon hehe, I add a list with moon in different languages, they're not that many but if you read this for some way and you speak another one not shown in the list, please feel free to add your comment with the moon in that language and thank you! hehe.

I made this a while ago with one of the "Time Enough for Tears" strophe's song by The Corrs ^o^ beautiful lyric, and on the right bottom, there is a quote I got from a Dove's chocolate wrap around three or four years ago, I've been always liking it hehe.

Full Moon coming, enjoy the beautiful phases!

Y ahora...?

Posted Wednesday, April 29, 2009 by MoonLunita
Uenaas nooshes!

Y ahora? y ahora en espanish! jojo... porque hace mucho que no escribía en mi lunático blog en el idioma con que nací, pues creo que ya era tiempo.

Trataba de tener una semana tranquila, un poco más animada y como supuestamente la tenía planeada... pero al parecer todavía no aprendo que a mí no me salen las cosas planeadas juju. Igual uno que otro tiene la misma "virtud" hehe pero sinceramente no sé.

Mi país en un ataque de fluenza aunado al previo ataque de crisis, la gente viviendo en paranoia... sin dinero y enfermos... ADM! (el OMG en español XDD hay que usarlo más! jiji) y después, temblores. Por qué ahí y no en otro lado? no es que desee que en otros lados pase pero por qué joder al jodido... changos.

Está un poco de más mencionar lo anterior pero una parte de eso me hizo sentir mal sumándole otras cosillas... no tenía ganas de escribir aquí pero al mismo tiempo sentía la necesidad, desde hace días he querido pero no sabía ni con qué empezar. Curiosamente afecta estar en otro país y me salen mejor los temas y las palabras en inglés, por ello he estado posteando así.

Entre el vals de la Bella Durmiente y el plato de cereal ya terminado, anda la Lunita medio adormilada por tomar una siesta larga esperando la hora para la rutina de cada día, o mejor dicho, noche hehe.

Acabo de recordar que de lo que quería hablar era sobre algunos hombres... los que son desesperantes... no vale mucho la pena ni el tiempo estar hablando de ellos pero he estado que me exasperan hasta el grado de lograr sacarme mi lado más duro y cruel. Lo peor es la irritante insistencia de estar como arrastrados detras de una... que tan difícil es entender que si se ama a alguien, por mas increíbles que sean las circinstancias, es un sentimiento que no se puede "desechar", ni tampoco hacer como si no se sintiera. Si eres hombre y lees esto, no cometas la misma estupidez de arruinar una bonita amistad por estar insistiendo que esto no puede ser sólo una amistad que a la fuerza, y de una manera inapropiada, estés tratando de conquistarla... es lo peor.

Pero bueeeno... io ia me voi despues de una "entrada" medio rara en español, prometo que será la última si no la escribo un poco más cuerda juju así que mientras tanto, me leerán en inglés y no se preocupen, no tienen que postear comentarios (los poquísimos que postean jiji) en ese idioma, háganlo en español, ya saben.

Buenas Noches otra vez. =)

Earth Day

Posted Wednesday, April 22, 2009 by MoonLunita
Hello ^^

It doesn't seem that I like this kind of stuff but... I do, hehe. Actually, I've always liked it but I'm not active in groups, associations or activities, I just take action as the slang says hehe trying to save energy, buying organic stuff or kind of that, reusing and making people to eat healthy, sometimes haha.

But well... I've been thinking, why is that I do this? do I love our Earth planet? my fast answer would be "no" and now that's a contradiction huhu. What makes me take actions it is not the fact of rescueing the planet, it is simply because that's the way we must be and since some time ago, it became a need because our enviroment and atmosphere is getting the damage of not being educated with enough discipline to take care of simple actions since the beginning.

As I've said too many times before, life is simple and not acting the right way, it makes it complicated aaaand complicating the situation of the big-huge house we are living on. When I remember of all the good we have, beautiful flowers, a perfect sky, pretty stars, a wonderful moon, strong trees letting us to breath better, amazing discovers, the beauty in the music, the subtlety of the fine arts, and the people who you sure love and make everything even better... I would feel extremely bad and sad to lose that. And taking care of our blue world is a help to prevent some self destruction.

It is not a good look to waste or not be able to just trash garbage in a bin... do it but only because of you, because you will feel how great it is deep inside and specially, being a good example.

We are the world, be earthy! ^.^

Les Fleurs

Posted Thursday, April 9, 2009 by MoonLunita
Good Evening ^_^

Sometimes we forgot how wonderful is to feel good. That's why we have to try to feel good more often.

How can we feel good even if we are dying of pain from the inside? It is just so simple... as simple as life is. You just have to look around, there are plenty of beauty outside like the flowers ^__^ the reason I feel good tonight.

Everything started when I was looking to an online flower store website and it made me remind of my favourite one: the Osiana rose. I was chatting with my little sister Lauritish and I showed her images of the rose, then she changed her display picture to a purple rose... so beautiful that I had the idea to create an album in my facebook with pretty flowers. Looking for the pictures was interesting: there are many kind of flowers, all of them so beautiful... but there were some of them that got me straight to my heart and feel the magic. Few minutes later, I noticed that I felt good and cheerful, kind of happy and smiley (well, I always like to smile hehe but still) and then I figured out... seeing and admiring the beauty of too many colored flowers was so pleasant that made my soul so glad.

This is the referred Purple Rose:

As simple as this... we sure are able to find vitamin for the soul throug things we think we already know but sometimes, what it is, is that we ignore the precious value in every single thing. We need to enjoy more, to live more... and music helps a lot to that hehe.

Word of the night: flowers! ^o^ hehe, 'til next time!

Abracadabra ?

Posted Wednesday, April 1, 2009 by MoonLunita
Good evening-morning hehe.

April Fool's day! =P begining the month joking around lol.

Talking about magic is a kind of complicated way to understand the real thing. But it is so simple as everything else is... well, not everything, love is the exception. In my concepts, there are two kinds of magic:

1.- The one it already comes within any person. It is when we are able to change sentiments and feelings through acts... those simple but significant that make people feel "that" in their chest, running faster to goal the mouth and move the muscles for a smile. Or when we discover "it" by just looking at a beautiful sky, listen to the wind, self confidence, admiring human works in all kind of arts or just simply enjoying the nature, the life.

2.- The one certain people can understand. Anybody can read or watch about doing, creating, making magic... but not all the people have the ability to understand the meaning of what it really is. In common words, that is the possibility of developing what we already know, into something greater. This is divided in other many branches that only that person who's able to understand, can know about them.

Magic is the line what divides the visible from the invisible in all kinds. And the best of this, is when both of them are blended to result a good, not a worse.

Until next time. ^_^