
Posted Wednesday, October 29, 2008 by MoonLunita

It is almost Halloween! and I wanted to send to my friends some cool e-cards, you know, those funny and cute animations flash but... I couldn't! and you may ask why? because most of them (specially the nice ones) were for paid members only. Grrr.

I remember when I used to send a lot of e-cards for every holiday, all of theme so great and all of them for free! what happened?? and this is not since this year or last, it has been a while with this being charged for sending e-cards. It is like the cyber world is getting more into the "business" thing. In some way this could be fine because of the designers spending time creating those cool animations but... still >_< I don't know... life changes and I stopped sending e-cards for that reason, I don't agree with that, it is kind of silly paying for e-cards for me but well. There are people who actually pay for this service and it is ok, it's their money hehe and they're supporting the digital work, that's fine. With my luxury style life coming, I will do as well! hehehe.

0 pieces of candy: