To Love...

Posted Tuesday, March 17, 2009 by MoonLunita
Good evening =)

Love is when two hearts are beating at the same rhythm turning out in one.

Love is the most difficult subject in life... the only one capable enough to lose your mind, to get you totally confused, to get you in that never seen world where you just follow and feel like never to leave it. The only one that could let you feel the real happiness, the real anger, the real anguish, the real need, the real kindness. The one who can show you real magic turning a hard-cold heart into a warming place to stay forever.

As you can see, this kind of love what I'm concerning tonight it's the one considered as "couple love", the hardest. But no matter what since we are in love, everything is beautiful and no wonder if you have bad days or something is not going your way, as far as you have him or her, everything else it's just like... whatever. Love is the relief letting you smile with no doubt and be able to take it easy.

I'm like that, love in many ways is my relief to survive from too many awful things and situations. I love a lot of things and I love him too... his words, his laugh or just the way he is. But sometimes, distance is not a good friend of lovers like us and there are spaces of my life that I feel like falling apart because it hurts, it hurts so much. To taste his kisses, the sensation of protection in his arms... and then, tears to cry. Rancor and desperation, it is not fair.

But then, again... straight up, smile and be cheerful because the world of love cannot end just like that, the Earth's still rotating, flowers continue blooming and... as I said before in something I wrote about him long time ago and that I will share soon hehe:

"May the Moon be our eternal witness of our love yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever to continue loving each other until the last time it can brights but... is our timeless love that makes bright the Moon."

We will be together again, very soon.

2 pieces of candy:

  1. Anonymous

    Es una desesperante y a la vez agradable palabra esa de "soon" jaja, pero ojalá que dentro de ella solo estén unos meses, y no años, o quizás menos :D. Y si... el amor pues... es algo curioso y lindo definitivamente.

    =/ ...

  1. SusSie

    el amooooooooooooooooooooooor.... tu sabes bien q es el amoooooooooooooooorrr!!!
    Ojalá pronto veas a Lunito... ya se merecen estar juntos, Aileen!!
    si qué siiii