Good Mornight
I must admit that is kind of hard to smile right now, I just changed my calendar and I'm watching Friends; the only thing that is making me smile and to laugh hehe.
I had a kind of well balanced month: a lot of good stuff and a lot of bad stuff as well. And since I can't get rid of my issue about over thinking every single situation, I was doing that and a lot of more pain came out, but also, I got time to think about some other that made me realize that all I need is to come back to what I left when I got really distracted.
I once read that it is not good to go back to certain stuff but there are still certain things that are good to get back with because they involved our essence, what we are, the reason we are here still living as a human being. I truly dislike this part most of the time but well, for now I just can work on pursuing my desire to stop being a human lol and get over there, where I've always wanted.
Realizing all the crap in the world that is true or false really doesn't make me feel better, but I "understand" is a process I have to go through to feel what I should be feeling. The way I act sometimes with some friends or people in general, makes me think that I tend to not be so expressive in some ways... and let's not mention the love feeling because believe me, I'm the number on expressing those "emotions". Anyway, I remember conversations with them and I really, really should act as they think I am because that's a good way to keep moving on and to survive for the matter of to get to my mountain.
Long process, perhaps... I will probably feel better after the seventh of May, willing to try to keep that little Sun hidden somewhere I can't be able to reach, as I once did before with a Star.
I love long nails but kinda need to cut them down, can't play piano or type properly... And those are main things in my life. :)
Yay! I smiled.