Are you still there?

Posted Tuesday, November 17, 2009 by MoonLunita
¿Qué está pasando? ya no siento ese nerviosisimo recorrer cuando tengo que llamar, ni tampoco esa emoción tan repentina y no ha pasado por mi mente aquéllos recuerdos que me hacen sonreír de oreja a oreja sintiendo felicidad en mi corazón. Quizás la frustración de no poder hablar diario, de no poder compartir momentos seguidos, de tener una vida tan obligatoriamente ocupada, hizo que poco a poco colocora un invisible bloque para formar una invisible barrera... había decidido "dejarlo así" porque duele pero al mismo tiempo sabía que a veces podía quitar esos bloques... tal vez logré acompletar ese "escudo".

Extrañamente, no me agrada eso... no me gusta saber que podría estar desapareciendo ese sentimiento, creía que nada ni nadie lo quitaría, que permanecería para siempre pasara lo que pasara en mi turuleca vida. Puede que sea sólo algo pasajero y mi habitual estado de turulequez regrese pero... es que soy tan voluble cuando se trata de este tipo de cosas, que varias veces he estado gritando al aire que se me pase, que ya no quiero sentir eso, que no me gusta estar así, que por qué. Y ahora resulta que, aparentemente obteniendo lo que tanto chillaba, no estoy conforme y siento que falta "eso" en mi existir porque pareciera que algo me está faltando.

Pero también sé que esa Estrellita todavía está brillando dentro de mí, aunque pudiera resguardarla con esa barrerita, seguiría titiritando sin olvidarme de ella.

And I know you're still shining so bright =) hehehe.

Así es con la vida y las cosas.

Axiomas Luneras

Posted Monday, November 16, 2009 by MoonLunita
Es tarde y yo despierta... para variar.

No recordaba que había creado otro blog hace dos meses para escribir otras cosas diferentes, otro tipo de crónicas. Se ve más en español pero también por ahí se colará el inglés hehe.

Si les llegara a interesar, hacer click en esta brujita o en la otra volando por la columna derecha kekeke si no comprenden lo que ahí escribo, siéntanse libres de preguntarme. Y si aún respondiéndoles siguen en las mismas... sorry jiji.

Uenas Madrugadas!

Este Corazón...

Posted Thursday, November 12, 2009 by MoonLunita

Cual rencor invadiendo mi ser a la razón de mi dividido corazón: con los dos estoy a disgusto. Tan lejos y tan cerca, tan cerca y tan lejos. Decido hacer a un lado una parte para concentrarme en la otra, y me doy cuenta que caigo en lo mismo: también duele y me pone igual. ¿Quién me entendiera? quizás más de uno, quizás nadie... con estos sentimientos logro comprender muchas cosas y tiendo a negarlos cuando lo único que obtengo es hacerme la tonta sabiendo que siempre estarán presentes hasta en la más increíble distracción.

Qué resentimientos... quisiera que fuera como yo quisiera y aunque una parte me ha dicho varias veces (no por éstas razones, por otras) que a veces no es como quisiéramos, yo digo que si bien lo quieres, bien sí será. Solo que en el amor ciertas veces es un poco más difícil, vamos, se trata del amor... el factor más complicado de la vida, en cualquier aspecto de los tantos que muestra, llega a ser aún más duro que una roca.

¿Exageraré? *rascandose la barbilla* no lo sé, no lo creo... pero es que es tan irritante, es que se trata del corazón, es que se trata de la debilidad, es que se trata de ellos. Por un rato dibujaré una X sobre el órgano latiente de mi cuerpo para dar lugar a cierta estabilidad... aunque conociéndome, sé que durará muy poco y la borrarán hehe y sin poder evitarlo.

Qué cosas, pero así son =P buenas noches.

De Luna Nueva

Posted Wednesday, November 11, 2009 by MoonLunita
Buenas Madrugadas =) hehe.

Dicen que así como tienes tu cuarto, tu apartamento, tu casa, donde sea que mores hehe, así tienes tu cabeza... me refiero a las ideas, los pensamientos. Creo que aquél dicho tiene razón pues últimamente la mía es un caos jaja, qué verguenza admitirlo pero sí; tan falta de tiempo, tan cansada y tú sin dejarme ni un solo momento en mis pensamientos y en mis sentimientos que he dejado un poco "messy" casi todo a mi alrededor, sin detenerme aunque fuera un minutito a poner manos a la obra a lo que tengo que arreglar o a lo que tengo que continuar... sin embargo no se me hace posible separarte de ellos =P y sorpresivamente me agrada.

Pero gracias a Dios tenemos 12 meses con semanas de siete nuevos y maravillosos días que podemos comenzar y aún así, no es bueno abusar de cada nuevo y maravilloso día hehe, están las Lunas Nuevas también =D que de cada fase de diversos "vivires" surge ese espacio dando oportunidad a nuevos comienzos, nuevas continuaciones o las continuaciones necesarias para seguir por la aventura de la vida.

Así que aprovechemos y ¡a seguir la labor! hehehe ^O^ por cierto, la Luna Nueva es éste Lunes 16 pero no esta de más mencionarlo y tampoco está de más querer comenzar antes.

See U soon!

The Chronicles

Posted Tuesday, November 10, 2009 by MoonLunita
It's me again =)

I started this blog to express whatever I feel like to but, as you can see, there are not too much about those expressions hehe but today, while I was working, I was thinking about what I would love to write and I never do so, I decided that I should fill this blog with all of them, not just let them be lost through my mind. It doesn't matter how many people read this space, I just like to see what I wrote when time had passed hehe, as I said before in my Twitter, it helps me to noticed what I've doing or in this case, what I've been thinking or feeling.

At the beginning, the "chronicles" part of the name of this blog was because of my favourite manga "Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE" but I guess today was a day to reflect about my blog hehe, plus the current feeling it's being invading my heart, I figured out that all what I post in here, coukd match the title and every of them are chronicles, my chronicles, love chronicles, life chronicles, abstract chronicles. And Lunita's Chronicles are going to be in English or Spanish.

Me, Aileen, Moon, Lunita, Luna, Moonita, Moonie, Tsuki, Yo hehe, love to be so crazy, so childish, so happy, so funny, so smily, so protective and I love to love hehe.

If you're reading this, thank you! hope you read the rest of what I'm thinking to write hehe.


Posted Monday, November 9, 2009 by MoonLunita
Hola =O

Pobre blog mio... yo sé que nadie te lee, o quizás sí, demasiados contados los que podrían leerte pero a veces eso no importa, lo importante es que me expreso y debería hacerlo más seguido para mantenerte vivo y sin polvo. ¡Despierta mi querido blog! que pienso ahora sí ponerme a actualizar con crónicas lunezcas que te hagan sentir vivo y que al que agradecidamente lea, le sea satisfactorio cada vez que se pueda pasar por este ronconsito.

No s por que mientras escribo siempre estoy haciendo más de una cosa... me distraigo rápidamente hehe, termino una, después otra, luego continúo y así jojo. El caso es que hay muchas cosas que necesito continuar y estoy por hacerlo con la ayuda de Dios hehe.

OMG! mi pobre blogsitooo, reviveee jijiji.

Para expresarme(te).



Posted Monday, September 7, 2009 by MoonLunita
The heartless meaning it is obviously when someone does not carry a heart... a heart that is carrying a million of feelings and perhaps, some people as well. I'm a heartless because I don't think I'm carrying it anymore; it's still alive, so alive that it suddenly decided by itself to split in two and leave me to be with them... I knew in the past that my heart could completely be for someone, I do not know about the future yet but I know the present and it still says that my heart could be for someone but not that it has the ability to split. This sounds silly and so out of place that can't still believe it but it seems that the strange things just happen to me.

A half of my heart with an A, the other half with a V but... the reason I'm still alive with no heart is because you are there... my L, because you are an important part of me, because you are like me, we are alike, you have something of me in you that makes us the way we are. I could use tons of words with lots of expressions but it is not even enough of what you really mean to me.

It is curious how the letters are the same as my name hehe, so wonderful.

Good Night everyone.

To Belong

Posted Friday, July 31, 2009 by MoonLunita
Good Evening, Good Morning hehe. ^_^

Just randomly thinking... it seems that sometimes people need to belong to something, like labeling a person on depending what kind of personality, ability or gift. It may not be like that but we know that society do that constantly.

Too many groups of people to belong to, to many people divided... I don't know but... what if someone does not belong to any of the billion kinds? is anybody able just to be unique? silly question, we all are! sometimes we can be like "the rest", it is the time when every single person has to interact as human being with the other but we all must know that we certainly have our own unique way to be that makes -us- what we are.

Sooo... I was thinking this because sometimes, I feel like I don't have any group to fit in or something like that if you catch the idea and starting to feel kind of bad because of that. I only belong to what I am, Lunita and that's all! ^O^ kekekeke.

It is not Halloween yet but this is part of my everyday =) hehe.

Until next time!

To Enjoy

Posted Thursday, July 9, 2009 by MoonLunita
Do not speak to me about anything I don't want to... I just want to smile, to feel well, to feel good energy and the nature talking to me about the wonder of being alive, being able to sense the amazing vibration of the earth. Just to listen to beautiful voices, to pretty sounds and smile because I can feel them within my heart. Even if anything good is happening in my life, I only want to be happy and have a big grin in my face, the magic working through my soul letting the adrenaline to expand all over my body while writing or saying non sense with a lot of meaning to those who really know how to understand the beauty of the simpleness... moreover, you do not need to understand, just to feel!

Every day is a new journey, do not stop in your bad days: you learned and let them be the past, you have tons of more new days to continue to write a new line in the amazing story of your life.

Five minutes worth to spend:

^o^ it made me feel better tonight.

Until next time!

Return to Love

Posted Tuesday, June 23, 2009 by MoonLunita
Hello! ^o^

It's been a while since my last post but I'm back! hehe. I could tell a lot of things that I've lately been through but since I loove to share my experiences with all the details, I think it would take more than one entry to do that hehe. Just to mention that this past Sunday, I met my father's side relatives that I did not meet before and it was a very pleasant experience, made me proud of my last name because... I'm not so glad to "wear" it.

I'm here tonight, with a subject of love again. I don't like when people speak "just because" when referring about this sentiment, I don't know how can they dare to judge or give an opinion when never in their lives have felt what love is... what really love is.

It is amusing how people say "I'm in love" so often but it is kind of understandable as well... we can share lots of love but we should not say "you are my true love" to all of them because just -love- as a single word, there is no need to have a look in the dictionary for its meaning... you find the real meaning in that person. What person? hohohoh... the only one capable to draw an entire different world for you, the finding of that magic does really exist, the unique being that can fills the half of your heart, of your life. But there is a chance to be hurt by true love... you are able to notice the difference, whatever the reason of the pain is, the suffer is there letting you know how much you love and need that person in an indescribable way beginning with the solve of an enigma in the road of happiness because... love is a key for that task. Are you worried now? you must not be =) because true love can resists to anything, that's what Love is all about, as simple as that.

Can you understand now? when speaking about love, try to not do it in a slightly form. It is sacred, it is simple, it is complicated, it is allusion, it is desire, it is everything around you! yup... Just Love. ^______________________^ kekeke.

"El Amor Es" Athena in The Witch of Portobello by Paulo Coelho.

Until next time!

Ye Eun's day!

Posted Tuesday, May 26, 2009 by MoonLunita
Today's my favourite Wonder Girl birthday... so, entry dedicated to her ^o^ hehe.

Some years ago you were born bringing happiness to many people that love you so much... and now, after that first day of your existence, you still keep bringing so much happiness increasing the people loving you with your amazing voice, your charisma, and your golden heart radiating joy and good energy every single moment you laugh. Thanks to this day, world can have a a good example of constancy, optimism and strength to inspire and make life even better. Ye Eun, a big box of surprising talent! hope you can have a wonderful day with the other girls and eat all the good sweets for your sweet soul! hehehe.


Big, big hugs, kisses and a bunch of good wishes today and always! from me, Lunita ^o^

La de la Lunera

Posted Tuesday, May 12, 2009 by MoonLunita
Good evening ^_^

Listening too much of Gotan Project this week, hehe.

Just thinking about getting back the Møon's Lounge but with a different "flavor". I love writing in this one so I wont leave it, that's why if I bring back the previous name, it would obviously get different content... like sharing mundane things, a sight of the world from a sit in a certain bar, like describing life in a bohemian way or just writing surrounded by luxury in a hotel room next to a glass of wine... got the idea? hehehe. Exhaling arts in blood letters to show the passion.

I will give details... later hehe, don't miss it, you will love it ^_~ kekeke.

What brings me here tonight is the feeling of being ashamed to do or to be just because people will judge. That's so wrong but so true... afraid to act, not wanting to get critics, don't knowing what to do because you don't want to err. What if I feel good doing some assure things? it might be silly, it might be stupid, it might be a waste of time, a waste of money, a waste of everything... but I like it. And with this, I'm not saying I can do anything I want in anytime. Why do I have to explain the reason I will do something that might be not right just because they don't feel or see the way I do? every single person has its rarities in the way of being a human with a feeling and passionate heart, we must not misjudge at first glance, we should try to understand or at least, try to see as that one does.

Getting off the routine and following your kind heart doing something that maybe no one would but will make smile someone else, it is because of course you are different, you are more than special no matter what people or even family, can say... if you feel good because it would be a different good way of sharing and caring, go ahead hehe.

Strange entry, thanks for reading if you read it hoho =P and about the title... if you speak Spanish and watch the title's following video, you will get it ^_~ and don't miss the song, very nice sound:

You can use translators too, if not, just ask me and I'll explain hehe. Have a good day, have a good evening, have a good night~ wherever you are!


Posted Saturday, May 2, 2009 by MoonLunita
Hello there everyone ^^

Beginning the month watching a dvd of my beautiful Corrs live in London while getting ready to work ^_^ made my day, I felt good and cheerful. But in the other hand, this second day of the month I've thinking about the numerical part of my life hehe... I just figured out that it is a moment when I can do many of flashbacks, gotten lots of experiences but that, still... there's a lot to find out. It is like being in the middle of what I've lived and what I will live trying to hope, to be happy and to realize all of my desires. If there is chance to live more, I will .

For now, I will let you enjoy this two songs that I dedicate to myself hehe:

Twenty-five years of my life and still stepping outside, with body and soul... hehe.

One more thing to mention, today is Sunmi's birthday, one of my Wonder Girls! hehe Happy Birthday to her!!! cake, cake and presents! hope you have a great time in this so special day and enjoy it, big-tight hugs! from me, Lunita hehe.

Until next timee. ^o^

New: Moon in your Language

Posted Thursday, April 30, 2009 by MoonLunita
Hellooo ^_^

The last day of the month! hehe.

Just showing the love I have for the Moon hehe, I add a list with moon in different languages, they're not that many but if you read this for some way and you speak another one not shown in the list, please feel free to add your comment with the moon in that language and thank you! hehe.

I made this a while ago with one of the "Time Enough for Tears" strophe's song by The Corrs ^o^ beautiful lyric, and on the right bottom, there is a quote I got from a Dove's chocolate wrap around three or four years ago, I've been always liking it hehe.

Full Moon coming, enjoy the beautiful phases!

Y ahora...?

Posted Wednesday, April 29, 2009 by MoonLunita
Uenaas nooshes!

Y ahora? y ahora en espanish! jojo... porque hace mucho que no escribía en mi lunático blog en el idioma con que nací, pues creo que ya era tiempo.

Trataba de tener una semana tranquila, un poco más animada y como supuestamente la tenía planeada... pero al parecer todavía no aprendo que a mí no me salen las cosas planeadas juju. Igual uno que otro tiene la misma "virtud" hehe pero sinceramente no sé.

Mi país en un ataque de fluenza aunado al previo ataque de crisis, la gente viviendo en paranoia... sin dinero y enfermos... ADM! (el OMG en español XDD hay que usarlo más! jiji) y después, temblores. Por qué ahí y no en otro lado? no es que desee que en otros lados pase pero por qué joder al jodido... changos.

Está un poco de más mencionar lo anterior pero una parte de eso me hizo sentir mal sumándole otras cosillas... no tenía ganas de escribir aquí pero al mismo tiempo sentía la necesidad, desde hace días he querido pero no sabía ni con qué empezar. Curiosamente afecta estar en otro país y me salen mejor los temas y las palabras en inglés, por ello he estado posteando así.

Entre el vals de la Bella Durmiente y el plato de cereal ya terminado, anda la Lunita medio adormilada por tomar una siesta larga esperando la hora para la rutina de cada día, o mejor dicho, noche hehe.

Acabo de recordar que de lo que quería hablar era sobre algunos hombres... los que son desesperantes... no vale mucho la pena ni el tiempo estar hablando de ellos pero he estado que me exasperan hasta el grado de lograr sacarme mi lado más duro y cruel. Lo peor es la irritante insistencia de estar como arrastrados detras de una... que tan difícil es entender que si se ama a alguien, por mas increíbles que sean las circinstancias, es un sentimiento que no se puede "desechar", ni tampoco hacer como si no se sintiera. Si eres hombre y lees esto, no cometas la misma estupidez de arruinar una bonita amistad por estar insistiendo que esto no puede ser sólo una amistad que a la fuerza, y de una manera inapropiada, estés tratando de conquistarla... es lo peor.

Pero bueeeno... io ia me voi despues de una "entrada" medio rara en español, prometo que será la última si no la escribo un poco más cuerda juju así que mientras tanto, me leerán en inglés y no se preocupen, no tienen que postear comentarios (los poquísimos que postean jiji) en ese idioma, háganlo en español, ya saben.

Buenas Noches otra vez. =)

Earth Day

Posted Wednesday, April 22, 2009 by MoonLunita
Hello ^^

It doesn't seem that I like this kind of stuff but... I do, hehe. Actually, I've always liked it but I'm not active in groups, associations or activities, I just take action as the slang says hehe trying to save energy, buying organic stuff or kind of that, reusing and making people to eat healthy, sometimes haha.

But well... I've been thinking, why is that I do this? do I love our Earth planet? my fast answer would be "no" and now that's a contradiction huhu. What makes me take actions it is not the fact of rescueing the planet, it is simply because that's the way we must be and since some time ago, it became a need because our enviroment and atmosphere is getting the damage of not being educated with enough discipline to take care of simple actions since the beginning.

As I've said too many times before, life is simple and not acting the right way, it makes it complicated aaaand complicating the situation of the big-huge house we are living on. When I remember of all the good we have, beautiful flowers, a perfect sky, pretty stars, a wonderful moon, strong trees letting us to breath better, amazing discovers, the beauty in the music, the subtlety of the fine arts, and the people who you sure love and make everything even better... I would feel extremely bad and sad to lose that. And taking care of our blue world is a help to prevent some self destruction.

It is not a good look to waste or not be able to just trash garbage in a bin... do it but only because of you, because you will feel how great it is deep inside and specially, being a good example.

We are the world, be earthy! ^.^

Les Fleurs

Posted Thursday, April 9, 2009 by MoonLunita
Good Evening ^_^

Sometimes we forgot how wonderful is to feel good. That's why we have to try to feel good more often.

How can we feel good even if we are dying of pain from the inside? It is just so simple... as simple as life is. You just have to look around, there are plenty of beauty outside like the flowers ^__^ the reason I feel good tonight.

Everything started when I was looking to an online flower store website and it made me remind of my favourite one: the Osiana rose. I was chatting with my little sister Lauritish and I showed her images of the rose, then she changed her display picture to a purple rose... so beautiful that I had the idea to create an album in my facebook with pretty flowers. Looking for the pictures was interesting: there are many kind of flowers, all of them so beautiful... but there were some of them that got me straight to my heart and feel the magic. Few minutes later, I noticed that I felt good and cheerful, kind of happy and smiley (well, I always like to smile hehe but still) and then I figured out... seeing and admiring the beauty of too many colored flowers was so pleasant that made my soul so glad.

This is the referred Purple Rose:

As simple as this... we sure are able to find vitamin for the soul throug things we think we already know but sometimes, what it is, is that we ignore the precious value in every single thing. We need to enjoy more, to live more... and music helps a lot to that hehe.

Word of the night: flowers! ^o^ hehe, 'til next time!

Abracadabra ?

Posted Wednesday, April 1, 2009 by MoonLunita
Good evening-morning hehe.

April Fool's day! =P begining the month joking around lol.

Talking about magic is a kind of complicated way to understand the real thing. But it is so simple as everything else is... well, not everything, love is the exception. In my concepts, there are two kinds of magic:

1.- The one it already comes within any person. It is when we are able to change sentiments and feelings through acts... those simple but significant that make people feel "that" in their chest, running faster to goal the mouth and move the muscles for a smile. Or when we discover "it" by just looking at a beautiful sky, listen to the wind, self confidence, admiring human works in all kind of arts or just simply enjoying the nature, the life.

2.- The one certain people can understand. Anybody can read or watch about doing, creating, making magic... but not all the people have the ability to understand the meaning of what it really is. In common words, that is the possibility of developing what we already know, into something greater. This is divided in other many branches that only that person who's able to understand, can know about them.

Magic is the line what divides the visible from the invisible in all kinds. And the best of this, is when both of them are blended to result a good, not a worse.

Until next time. ^_^

Nella Fantasia

Posted Monday, March 30, 2009 by MoonLunita
Good Evening...

In my fantasy, is where all the good happens... I can see the real world from its illusions while my hopes, dreams and desires are holding there to came out someday.

In my fantasy, I'm always an important person juts because I have feelings, giving out smiles to comfort or just because... because I care.

In my fantasy, I have no emptiness and I'm not ashamed to express feelings like a child and be so happy just because of that.

In my fantasy, I don't have to be mean because job requires it... I don't fall in regret because I feel so bad that I yell at someone or I treated people in a wrong way... there is no need to in here.

In my fantasy, a lot of people can see the heart as I do... but it is good that for some reason, taking a look at the real world's window, I've found some people holding that same kindness in their hearts. Specially one, that I hope to meet soon.

In my fantasy, I'm working hard so I can share it with tons of people in order to just not call it fantasy but a fantasy based on reality.

Take care and see you soon. =)

TRC: tube scene II

Posted Tuesday, March 24, 2009 by MoonLunita
Hi everyone!

I'm excited!!!

As you could see, I love to read manga... and right now, one of my favourites made that excitement. Why? you may ask. Because one year ago, I was so intrigue with a certain thing about that story, let us do a flashback clicking in HeRe <-- now... finally... I know why! me and all fans of this manga had to wait for one year and one month for the chapter 216 to know.

This is from the anime

I'm so fascinated >_< things like this make me feel so child hehe... when am I going to act like an adult? lol it doesn't seem to happen soon but well, it's ok. This manga is so cool and caught my interest since the begining, made by CLAMP, obviously it will capture my heart as only they could did.

A moment to remind in my "Memories Book" of life hoho.

See you while waiting for next chapter to understand better that tube part! =P

Gif image taken from camille_anime_18's gallery.

To Love...

Posted Tuesday, March 17, 2009 by MoonLunita
Good evening =)

Love is when two hearts are beating at the same rhythm turning out in one.

Love is the most difficult subject in life... the only one capable enough to lose your mind, to get you totally confused, to get you in that never seen world where you just follow and feel like never to leave it. The only one that could let you feel the real happiness, the real anger, the real anguish, the real need, the real kindness. The one who can show you real magic turning a hard-cold heart into a warming place to stay forever.

As you can see, this kind of love what I'm concerning tonight it's the one considered as "couple love", the hardest. But no matter what since we are in love, everything is beautiful and no wonder if you have bad days or something is not going your way, as far as you have him or her, everything else it's just like... whatever. Love is the relief letting you smile with no doubt and be able to take it easy.

I'm like that, love in many ways is my relief to survive from too many awful things and situations. I love a lot of things and I love him too... his words, his laugh or just the way he is. But sometimes, distance is not a good friend of lovers like us and there are spaces of my life that I feel like falling apart because it hurts, it hurts so much. To taste his kisses, the sensation of protection in his arms... and then, tears to cry. Rancor and desperation, it is not fair.

But then, again... straight up, smile and be cheerful because the world of love cannot end just like that, the Earth's still rotating, flowers continue blooming and... as I said before in something I wrote about him long time ago and that I will share soon hehe:

"May the Moon be our eternal witness of our love yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever to continue loving each other until the last time it can brights but... is our timeless love that makes bright the Moon."

We will be together again, very soon.

Concert Night

Posted Saturday, March 7, 2009 by MoonLunita
Hellooooo ^_____^

Sometimes we can be able to modify the time and be like a child.

The night of Tuesday, March 6 2009 Lunita went back at the age of 12... lol. I went to the JYP tour concert in La Mirada, California because the Wonder Girls were in the show as well. I felt something that since long time I didn't and that was so cool. I was so excited to see them, I got sits in first row and take lots of good pictures.

But the best was that I could see my favourite wonder girl ^o^ she was so close that she even was down off stage to interact with her fans... and one of them was me! I felt so little girl getting excited because she was there and I was able to give her a chocolate, grab her hand. I was so happy that I didn't think of giving a hug or say something to her hahaha. And one more awesome thing was that when I was taking a picture of her, it seems like she was looking at my camera in that precise moment, sooooo cool!

This is the pic I took, my pic! ^__________________________^

Sometimes I feel bad to be like a child most of the time... at my age, yes I do XD I'm not old but I'm not that young... but still, it's like my inner me has not grown yet and I like too many things or get excited as... yes, a kid.

But well, it doesn't matter as far as I feel good and... if in some way, someday, you... Ye Eun, read this: I love you so much! hehehe you're a very sweet girl and you are a great singer, amazing voice. God bless you always, never change that big gold heart of yours and keep up all of your wishes because they will come true for sure.

I saw the Wonder Girls! ^___^ ♪ nobody, nobody but chu! ♫~ fighting!

Annyeong! =D

Just a weird feeling

Posted Monday, February 23, 2009 by MoonLunita
Hello everyone ^^

Sometimes friends are a way to think... and feel.

I'm so concerned about every single friend I have and sometimes, some of them get more of my worry that makes me sad. Right now, one of them... just thinking about him makes me kind of cry, I would love he could be find and get his goals. Specially the goal of love, the primary reason he now sees as the fact to continuing living this life.

I feel good he loves us like we do (me and my Lunito). ~ We are willing to help you to get that special personal achievement. I don't want my eyes turn sad every time my mind reminds you or feel the anguish in my chest when I talk with her and suddenly you pop out for some reasons.

Your Maighdean will wait in the farraige for you, Ridire. Behold!~

Perhaps, this post could seems meaningless at first sight but it means a lot to me.

Have a nice day and I promise to be happier next post! hehe.

The Oak of Love

Posted by MoonLunita
Welcome to the world of Sensation...

This secret place under the branches of beauty, is the start of our journey, into the land of mysteries and fantasies. For thousands of years, it has stood for life, growth and beauty.
In this magical world, we call it: The Oak of Love.

Sounds so perfect, I love it ^____^ this is from the house music set by Erick Morillo at Live Sensation December 31 2008 in Melbourne, Australia. That's why I love electronic music, specially house, they could always build the best place of fantasy for your age. If you're not a child, it doesn't matter... this is the kind of fantasy that never ends and that never let you feel the time either.

A blend of magic, mystery, happiness, craziness, imagination, love, feast and freedom... when you just have to feel and be happy within your kid-heart that your adult body carries... hehehe. This is one of music genres that makes me feel the magic.

And la Lunita is da haus yeah ♪♫♪♫ what is house!? =D

Personal Survey (?)

Posted Tuesday, February 10, 2009 by MoonLunita
It seems that I don't have nothing to do taking this survey while I have lots of pending XDD but well, here I go:

Birthdate:January 3
Birthplace:Acapulco, Mexico
Current Location:Somewhere
Eye Color:Olive Green
Hair Color:Dark Brown
Height:1.64 cm
Weight:138 lb
Piercings:Left ear cartilage
Tatoos:Not yet
Boyfriend/Girlfriend:Yup ^^
Overused Phraze:Changos!
Food:Mexican & Asian
Alcohol Drink:Screaming Orgasm
Bagel:with cream cheese
Body Part on Opposite sex:Arms
This or That
Pepsi or Coke:Coke!
McDonalds or BurgerKing:Wendy's lol
Strawberry or Watermelon:Both
Hot tea or Ice tea:Ice Tea
Chocolate or VanillaChocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee:Coffee
Kiss or Hug:Both
Dog or Cat:Cat
Rap or Punk:Rap
Summer or Winter:Winter
Scary Movies or Funny Movies:Both
Love or Money:Love
Bedtime:At day
Most Missed Memory:When I was in Middle School
Best phyiscal feature:My eyes and smile
First Thought Waking Up:I want to sleep more...
Goal for this year:Finish a story
Best Friends:AAC, Sri, Lauritish, Wendy, Yasmine, Josellin, Madeline, Jamir, Charlie, EdO
Weakness:Good stuff
Fears:To make mistakes
Longest relationship:The one and the only right now hehe
Favorite Eye Color:Green
Favorite Hair Color:Black
Short or Long:Short
Height:Taller than me XD
Looks or Personality:Both
Hot or CuteBoth XD
Drugs and Alcohol:I can handle with alcohol hehe
Muscular or Really Skinny:Normal
Number of Regrets in the Past:Pfff... many
What country do you want to Visit:Japan and Korea
How do you want to Die:Performing
Been to the Mall Lately:A month ago
Do you like Thunderstorms:Yup
Get along with your Parents:With Mom
Health Freak:Don't think so
Do you think youI'm a child
Believe in Yourself:Sometimes
Want to go to College:I kind of did
Do you Smoke:Nope
Do you Drink:Yup
Shower Daily:Yup
Been in Love:Yup!
Do you Sing:All the time
Want to get Married:Someday...
Do you want Children:Maybe
Have your future kids names planned out:Kind of
Age you wanna lose your Virginity:XDDDD
Hate anyone:People who cannot care about feelings or cannot really smile

bara, bara, bara, bara, bara. bara, bara, baraaaa... ^_____^

Sour Skittles a la media noche

Posted Thursday, January 15, 2009 by MoonLunita
Uenas noshes queridos lectores... XDD

Un titulo agridulce pues asi fue el dia 15 de enero... pobre dia, lo desprecio pero es que es de esos dias que si tuviera la oportunidad, lo saltaria al calendario de mi vida. Muchas cosas raras, algo feas, cansancio y bueno... asi como me pasaron cosas, fue de lo mas largo, como que los minutos se pasaban demasiado lento, un dia demasiado extraño pero bueno, en compañia de la musica y buenos amigos, todo va pasando mejosirto hehe y esos eran los lapsos dulces de ese dia.

Supuestamente son los martes y los jueves los dias en que, o pasa algo bueno o malo... algo asi como dias karmaticos y si empiezas bien puede terminar bien o peor o viceversa. Solia pensar esa y mas cosas sobre estos ciertos dias pero creo que lo mejor es pensar en lo bueno de todo y lo benefico que te pase en esos u otros dias, es un buenisimo extra mas.

No se que mas decir... se acabaron los skittles y se me fue todo el roiazo que queria compartir jaja, pero sirvieron para cerrar con sello de oro blanco (con eso que trae polvito agrio y es blanco... duuuh jiji) y empezar un dia mas que si Dios quiere, sera genial y mejor como todos los que vengan.

>_< seeeee uuuuu!

Si preguntas por mis Ojeras

Posted Monday, January 12, 2009 by MoonLunita
Buenas Madrugadas ^^

Pensando hace dos días, mirándome al espejo mis bellas ojeras... "¿bellas, dijiste?" podrías preguntarte, a lo que yo de inmediato te respondería "¡claro!". Y como decía, mis bellas ojeras no son producto de cualquier desvelo: son ojeras artísticas.

Desde chica he traído conmigo ese rasgo físico, mucho pensé que ha sido hereditario pues mi padre las trae al igual que mi hermana mayor. Igualmente artísticas; para ellos la Música, para mí la Literatura. Recuerdo cuando iba en secundaria, en mi clase de Español... la verdad no recuerdo qué tema estábamos viendo, ni de qué estaba hablando pero era algo sobre aquellos antiguos escritores, paliduchos y sus grandes sombras por debajo de los ojos que pasaban -obviamente- las noches en vela creando sus escritos y que en el día se la pasaban al lado de mujeres, como fantasmas... fantasmas jaja, un tiempo en la preparatoria me decían Gasparín >_< por ser de piel blanca, con ojeras y siempre traía las manos frías, hasta la fecha a veces las traigo así.

Me he dado cuenta que desde muy temprana edad he ido desarrollando mis ojeras creando mis escritos, imaginando, leyendo, soñando hasta altas horas de la noche... y aunque en algunas etapas de mi vida cambió el rumbo artístico al digital, me hace sentir bien que de alguna u otra manera, una de las razones por las que existo, aun no siendo un cien porciento, ha permanecido en mí y prueba de ello estan en ellas.

Estoy de vuelta, aunando mi nueva monería a mi estuche orgullosa de mis ojeras porque si me preguntas... ¡son artisticas!

Matta ne!